Ethical & Green flavours for the future- So far the trend for ethical food has not greatly affected food flavours but it is likely to be in near future. Organic, Fair trade and Carbon Footprint are upcoming trends.
Ethnic food continues to gain popularity. There is a growth in the value of ethnic food retail market in US & Europe. Asian cuisine is expected to show the highest rate of growth in Europe; particularly Indian, Chinese and Mexican foods are very high and offer opportunities for manufacturers. Convenience, Food service, On-The-Go, Snacking clubbed with Ethnic would be need of hour in future.
Flavours in `reduced` foods (Reduced sugar/ fat/ salt) – Changes in recipe formulation affect flavours. Many flavours used will be bolder and more distinctive to make up for flavour enhancing properties of sugar, salts and fats.
Usage of Wholegrain/ lower calorie/ added functionality will be new challenges to flavour companies to match up the taste with original palates
New Challenges for Flavour Manufacturing companies- Masking (Soy/ Acid/ Bitter), Capability to enhance Fat, Salt, Sugar, Mouth Feel in a given formulation by keeping price down.